Quick Hitters and Random Thoughts
--Oddly enough I didn’t see one Jake Delhomme jersey with half Panthers and half Texans on Sunday at Reliant.
--Standing ovation for Damian Lewis and Claire Danes. Homeland had an excellent season and its fantastic leads along with Mandy Patinkin were big reasons why. Brody just knocked all of his scenes out of the park this week. Even his daughter Dana wasn’t an annoying part of the show like kids are 90% of the time. Now is there any way she would have been able to use a phone to call Secret Service to talk to her dad while he and some of the most important people in the world are sequestered? Ummm, no, but still that was one intense scene. And I loved how they got to the bunker with Walker taking out some people to create the chaos so Brody could pass through the metal detectors. Bravo. Walker patting his kidnapee on the head while he walked out was hilarious and the only time I think I laughed during this show the last couple of weeks. I’m curious to know if Brody detonates that bomb if they don’t get season two.
As for Carrie, wow. I’m still not sure why Saul sold her out like that. I guess to protect her, but I don’t know. It did send Carrie on her way to give Dana the magic cellphone. Either way when Carrie and Brody say their goodbyes I wanted her to kick him in the balls and tell him she knows he’s a terrorist. Instead electroshock therapy as she remembers Issa. Like I wrote, wow. I have no idea what role she’s going to play next season, but I can’t wait for the day she gets to tell everyone, “I told ya so.”
--I’ve written plenty about how terrible and at times just plain dumb this season of Dexter has been and the finale did nothing to dissuade me from my overall view of this season. However, though I didn’t like the rush job on Debra’s feelings and omg their scenes together in the finale were brutal, I did like that Deb finally saw Dex stick a knife in someone. It’s certainly an interesting jumping off point for the final two seasons of the show and that’s something.
So let me get this straight everyone was waiting for Dexter at a double-homicide despite the fact a serial killer was on the loose and every second counted? Okay, got it. Oh and Dex goes in, takes a cursory glance at the two dead bodies before going in the back room and seeing the Ghostbusters 2 painting up on the wall and somehow has time to take a hammer to said wall to knock out his face without making a noise that the “cops” already in the house could hear? Okay, got it.
--Damn nice to have The Life and Times of Tim back on HBO. “It wasn’t a strudel-baking class?” I hope we don’t too many weeks without seeing Tim’s old boss.
If you recall, Life and Times of Tim was cancelled only to be resurrected. Bored to Death was cancelled this week, but I’m not so confident it’s going to be resurrected. I stopped watching Hung in the first season, but it was also axed.
--Because clearly we haven’t learned the lessons offered by Terminator and Battlestar Galactica we now have pudding vending machines that can tell your age through a facial scan. Supposedly this is to prevent kids from overdosing and going into pudding shock, but I’m pretty sure it’s so the vending machines can weed out the threats and non-threats to their eventual uprising. In fact change “pretty sure” to “positive.”
--If you want to read about two game show hosts in The Netherlands that voluntarily ate a portion of each other’s bodies then you can click here. I, on the other hand, am going to click here and look at Buche de Noels I have zero chance of ever replicating.
--Our Florida Story of the Week combines with our Date of the Week. Michael Pratt took a nice woman to the movies. The nice woman didn’t heed the normal warnings of going out with someone with a spider tattoo on his neck and/or a red mohawk. When you combine those you get someone like Michael asking for the woman’s car keys because he forgot something only to wait and wait for him to come back, which he doesn’t. What he does do is laugh in your face when you call him while telling you he stole your car. This inordinately patient woman waited two days before calling the police. The car was a 2012 Ford Focus which seems like it shouldn’t qualify for “grand theft auto,” but unfortunately for Mike it does. No word on which movie they saw and if she stayed for the whole movie which are really the important parts of the story.
--What the hell is a “Yu Darvish?”
--One act I did not miss while the NBA was away...
--The Lions now have four wins this season in games in which they’ve trailed by at least 12 points. No team has ever done that.
--Oh America. “Widespread Obesity Forces Coast Guard to Lower Max Number of People on Ferries...”
--Yeah, I think this is good enough for National Geographic’s photo of the day. Of course, I’d probably say that about any photograph of a great white.
--Of course the Colts who hadn’t led in any of their previous eight games beat the Titans by two touchdowns while Dan Orlovsky threw for all of 82 yards.
--Headline I don’t need to click on because I assume it’s true: “Attention Spans Have Dropped from 12 Minutes to 5 Seconds.”
--Am I missing something about Jason Sudeikis? How does he go from January Jones to Olivia Wilde?!
She seems nice.
--I’d rather just change the channel when Craig James is calling or commenting on a game than having to deal with him making decisions affecting my state.
--Good luck Chuck.
Questions, comments or if you started P90X2 and all you want for Christmas is the body fat percentage of Dreya…
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If the demand and margins are that great for pudding that u can afford to put face recognition software on each vending machine then put me down for ten machines. If I were one of the divers in that pic with the great white I would have shit my pants and had a heart attack and I'm not sure which one would happen first. Sudeikis gots game
ReplyDelete"I can’t wait for the day she gets to tell everyone, “I told ya so.”"
ReplyDeleteDid you just root for a terrorist attack? Thanks Jihad Danny.
I thought the same thing about the magic cell phone. The episode was so frustrating. Not because it wasn't great, because it was but because Carrie was thwarted at every turn. I guess being crazy isn't always what it's cracked up to be.
On the plus side Carrie gets lots of drugs. On the negative side, you know, electric shock therapy. Ultimate compliment I can give is that I'm looking forward to Homeland's next season as much as Breaking Bad's.
ReplyDeleteThere is a perfect inverse relationship between Garnett's level of play and his a-holeness on the court. He's also a coward.
ReplyDeleteThere used to be a great video on Youtube, now removed due to "copyright", of Garnett punking guards and running from bigs.