Saturday, November 05, 2011

Some like it hot, others like it cold. But we all want to hold the remote control.

Quick Hitters and Random Thoughts

--If I experience nothing else in my lifetime I must spend five minutes in the room temperature room. Good stuff from Community this week with daddy issues for Pierce and Jeff and Troy's big decision. Any trepidation I had about John Goodman's character is gone and I'm pretty sure they'll nail this Troy A/C arc over the course of the season. Just as I'm sure when we finally get an episode with Jeff's dad it will have been worth the wait.

Troy - "'Sup girl, how ya livin'?"

Abed - "Pew."

--It was a sappy and sweet Parks and Recreation and no comedy does sappy and sweet better than Parks. The Leslie and Ben moment at the end was nice, but this episode belonged to Entertainment 720 (pours one out) and April and Andy. All great things must come to an end especially if you're overhead was that of E-720's. Nevertheless a party with four VIP sections, a drumline, car bows and Roy Hibbert is a party to end on. even posted a goodbye. Where on chapter closes another opens for Tom.

April and Andy taking care of his bucket list = awesome sauce. Thankfully NBC put up a bunch of Andy and April road trip videos. All of their action star, grilled cheese making, $1,000 in singles activities up to the Grand Canyon was great. But when they stand their on the edge looking out and Andy asks, "Where are all the faces? You know the presidents. " I almost had a heart attack. Fantastic line with the obligatory perfect April reaction face.

--Weird that The League and Sunny both went the social networking route this week. Taco’s Myface was pretty strong. I'd be a rich man if I had a dollar for every time Raffi has said, "We're going to need some carpet, a bone saw and condoms" in his lifetime.
Pete to Andre - “Couple of questions: Why was that on your vanity? Second, why do you have a vanity at all? Third, why do you have to call it a ‘vanity?’”

--I’m not sure which trailer I’m less interested in watching between 21 Jump Street and American Reunion.

--I haven’t watched an SNL from beginning to end since I can’t remember. Pretty sure Charlie Day won’t let me down this weekend.

--NY Post with a “Where Are They Now” on former Top Chef winners. The only one I didn’t know what they were up to was Hosea. Apparently he’s got himself a farm and runs a full-service catering company using his farm’s products. Nice.

I did a full recap on Ape Donkey, but I liked this qualifying episode more than I thought I would. Or maybe I just liked Tom cutting someone ten minutes into the competition.

--Listen Kate Hudson you best bacdafucup from Muse. The National Enquirer doesn’t lie and if everyone not named Matt in Muse have dubbed you “Yoko” then you need to go make another bad rom-com and leave the music to the muse-icians.

Better days.

--Seriously UAB a night kickoff at the same time as LSU and Alabama in Tuscaloosa?

--Drew Bledsoe. Winemaker? If you see Doubleback wines anywhere let me know.

--Fred Savage AND Brent Musberger on Happy Endings this week. “You are looking live…” – never gets old…sort of…okay, it’s old. Now if you’ll excuse me I need to go play checkers with some Puerto Ricans.

--New Jersey looks like it’s going to make sports wagering legal in the near future. That’s good and gives you a reason to head to the Garden State. Of course there’s that whole machete attacks in fried chicken restaurants, so that may balance out the allure some.

--We have a date for the return of Spartacus (RIP Andy Whitfield). January 27th it's time for vengeance.

--Floyd and Manny are going to fight in May? Yeah, I’m not going to hold my breath. At least I know I’ll see Manny next weekend when I’m in the holy land of Vegas.

--You may have seen this in The Big Lead where they printed the opening paragraph from The Smoking Gun. It’s really the only way to tell the tale.

"Complaining that a 95-year-old neighbor has been harassing him, a 75-year-old Florida man called police Monday to report that the nonagenarian twice pulled a pocket knife on him--but that the older man did not have the strength or dexterity to actually open the weapon."

Never change Florida, never change.

--I’ve never had Dippin’ Dots and I guess I’ll just have to wait patiently for the future to know how ice cream will taste.

--Like this little Top 5 of Houston’s Hidden Treasures from Eating Our Words. Particularly Bohemeo and CafĂ© TH or Theim Hung or whatever you want to call the place that makes fantastic vegan curry. And I’m beyond happy (overjoyed? ecstatic?) that Phoenicia is opening its long-awaited downtown location next week.

--A Very Gaga Thanksgiving? Seriously ABC? Seriously?

Questions, comments or if you want a tab of baby aspirin…

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