Wednesday, November 30, 2011

People How You Doing There's A New Day Dawning. For The Earth Mother It's A Brand New Morning.

Quick Hitters and Random Thoughts

--Let’s finish this Coogs. Sugar Bowl vs. Michigan. They scare easy.

--Tara/Maggie Siff is really crushing it this season in her scenes on Sons of Anarchy. This was a great episode for her even if you’ve grown tired of her and Gemma fighting over Jax’s soul as it were.
Tara – “I’m smarter than you, Gemma.” Word.
Everything is set up for a helluva final hour though I think I may be disappointed because all this Clay has to die talk makes it feel like Clay isn’t going to die. Like I wrote about last week, having Opie not put a solid kill shot in Clay from that short a distance is just weak. Hell Jax can weave in and out of traffic on his bike while shooting a driver dead. And that’s
what I hated about this penultimate episode. Tig. Tig who was super pissed at Clay suddenly blames himself and thinks the best course of action is to take blind revenge on the Niners like that?! I just thought Tig was smarter especially since the Donna fiasco and especially since the SAMRCO is kind of involved with some heavyweights as it is and just had to settle things with RPGs not so long ago. Obviously his actions were made worse ten fold since he killed Leroy’s girl. I just wasn’t buying it and then Jax tells Tara for the 12th time that they’re definitely out, definitely out, but first let me shoot a gun in lots of traffic and kill someone right after I caused a car accident and stole a motorcycle chasing Opie.
Best part? Happy – “He’s gotta die. Like, a lot.”
I don’t know what’s going to happen next week, but something is rotten in Denmark with this sting. Romeo not having information about Otto flipping is suspect. And I’m scared that as kick ass as Tara has been this season that the Niners, and not the cartel, may have something in store for her.

--Very strong closing scene, but all in all I think it’s been a general waste of a first half of this season of The Walking Idiots Dead.
Sophia was as boring as a walker as her mom is as boring of a character.
WTF was Dale hiding the guns for? Like most everyone he’s become an annoyance.
When they eventually leave the farm I hope Maggie goes with them. She’s one of the few characters the writers seem to have a good grip on and the only female character that doesn’t come across as annoying and/or eternally whiny.
Still waiting to be persuaded to not root for the zombies.

--Real-time World War II twitter feed? I’m in. Tip of the hat to @bzygo's tweet that has me following something actually somewhat productive.

--OMFG!!! What a s-h-o-c-k on Dexter this week. Who could have possibly foreseen something as far out of left field as that?! Game. Changer. At least we have the LaGuerta cover-up and Quinn’s downward spiral to keep us entertained. Oh and can’t forget the creepy lab intern. Seriously you’re Miami Metro and it takes an intern to speak up and let these supposed detectives know they can trace an IP address like that’s some kind of technological breakthrough in 2011?! Just a terrible season that I imagine would be made much worse if I wasn’t cooking during it.

--Damn. Just when I was starting to like Angela Darmody.

--Gotta love this GQ list of 25 Least Influential People Alive. It’s a slideshow so obviously I’m not clicking through, but any list that contains Gwyneth Paltrow, Pitbull, Bobby Bonilla, and Paul Reiser on it is a list worthy of respect…just not 24 click-throughs.

--Kind of a filler episode of Homeland this week with my personal highlight being the end when Leonard Cohen’s “Everybody Knows” started playing. Cohen goes great with this show.

--I “watched” The Tree of Life. I had no idea I was supposed to be on a hallucinogen for the first half of it. It was like Planet Earth and Universe combined for something that would have been terrific as part of a laser light show. As it was it was a good movie. Or it wasn’t. How the f should I know? None of it made any sense.

--Maura Tierney to The Office is enough to make me watch again. Just kidding.

--Thank the baseball gods that the Tal Smith/Ed Wade era is over. “We Fired Ed Wade!” has to be the front-runner for the Astros slogan next season. It’s shorter than “It Could Be Worse…No Really, Give Us A Second And We’ll Tell You How…Wait, Where Are You Going? I've Got One...Umm...”

--Flight of the Conchords movie?! Finally a stage big enough for a battle between Rhymenocerus and Hiphopapotamus.

--I’ve made maybe one dessert the last five years and that’s a Busche de Noel, those chocolate log cake thingies. I’m just not big on sweets, but a homemade Butterfinger recipe that calls for the use of Cheez-Its?! Oh hell yeah, you best believe I’ll be leaving Butterfingers and milk out for Santa this year.

--If you own the combination of Rivers to Gates, well it’s been a rough season. However, they did hook up for a TD last week (YOUR ONLY ONE PHILIP!?!?). It was the 46th time they’ve done that to break the record for QB to TE TD combination. The pair whose mark they surpassed? Yep, Carr to Joppru…I mean Bledsoe to Coates. If, like me, your first thought was Manning to Clark, they’re at 44 and counting?

--Beanie Wells went nuts with 228 rushing yards last week. It was the first time a Cardinal has led the entire league in rushing for a week since 2002. Here’s $10, tell me who that Cardinal was. ‘Twas none other than Thomas Jones.

--Louis C.K. back to Parks for a bit? Poor guy can’t catch a break in his love life no matter what show he’s on.

--Yao and Elvira both announcing plans to distribute their own lines of wine this week. Coincidence? Well, yeah.

--I hope this rumor about HBO making Storm of Swords two seasons and filming both seasons back-to-back is true. Can’t wait until Thrones is back in April.
EW getting me all hot with this breakdown of how the Thrones DVD set is shaping up.

--Dude seriously watched Julie & Julia 365 times over the course of a year. At least he recognizes the silliness/stupidity/absurdity of it.

--I can’t recommend hitting Phoenicia downtown enough. Once you buy your Armenian string cheese and pitas sit your butt down at the MKT Bar for some bites and a solid beer/wine list. Queso without Rotel sounds sacrilegious, but it’s damn good.

--If you cheat on your boyfriend tattoo artist with his best friend and then are dumb enough to ask him for a tat on your back you deserve whatever is coming. Even a tat of a pile of poo.

--In a scam that seems ripped from a Sunny episode a trio in (I hope you’re sitting down) Florida made about a million dollars off of people scared of the new federal regulations regarding septic tanks. For just $199 they offered Septic Remedy treatment so that their septic tanks would pass the inspection. If the rubes didn’t want that they could get specially designed toilet paper in some cases more than 70 years worth. Eventually the group was busted, but I have some of their products and for a limited time only I’ll offer the toilet paper at wholesale cost so you can pass the inspections once the EPA comes knocking on the door next year when the regulations take effect.

--RIP Patrice O’Neal

Questions, comments or if you need to borrow some good behaving kids to go see The Muppets…is good behaving kids an oxymoron…

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