-- Nice win by the boys in Cincinnati as someone must have told Gary that his team is best when passing the ball. And defense, holy crap, the last two second halves have been ridiculous. Yeah, we’re barely into his rookie season, but Brian Cushing pick = home f’n run. Jacques was the new Petey last year, but he wasn’t nearly as low as the Petey level. This year Jacques has made a helluva difference in the secondary since he’s come back. Now can you please carry the momentum from a road win through this home game? The Niners aren’t a bad team by any stretch of the imagination and will be coming off a bye and will be getting Frank Gore back, but this is a game playoff contenders win.
--How can you pass up a chance to play Who Said It: NFL Coach or Dictator?
--There is good news, like the Battlestar movie, The Plan, coming out on DVD/Blu-Ray soon. Then there is great news like Maxim celebrating the upcoming release with a nice set of photos featuring Tricia Helfer and Grace Park.

--How did I live without NFL RedZone Channel?
--59-0. Don’t worry Tennessee only 11 more games to embarrass yourself so you may want to pace yourself with things like 59-0. -7 passing yards, how is that even possible? That Houston win in Tennessee looks less and less impressive.
--Did that just happen Eagles? I mean the Phillies scored 11 in a freakin’ playoff game the same day. 9 points?! As awful, pathetic and putrid Oakland has looked this season at 2-4 well it’s their best six-game start since 2002.

--I think finally people are about to start noticing this isn’t your older brother’s Ravens defense. This defense is just average at best. 8th in rushing yards allowed per game is nice, 21st in points allowed is not and neither is 22nd in passing yards allowed per.
--The Super Six World Boxing Classic kicked off the only way it could, yep, Scorpions concert. The night only got worse, that is if you’re like me and were trying to will Jermain Taylor’s career back to life. Arthur Abraham pulled the plug on it with a 12th round knockout. Karl Froch also won in his fight not that anyone reading this cares.
--What a race to see who gets in the end zone first: Larry Johnson or Steven Jackson?
--Pretty hard to find a more depressing, unsafe spot in America than Detroit. So what happened last weekend there? Oh nothing except the 32nd Detroit Free Press/Flagstar Marathon. Yeah, three people collapsed and died during one 16-minute stretch. Oddly all three were only doing the half marathon. Not all bad news for Detroit though, the Shock left.
--Who’s gonna beat the Saints? They’re just the fourth team to ever open up with five straight double-digit victories.
--Great news America! Scary Movie is getting rebooted!
--Rebound I most anticipate this week: The Office.
--Dar-ryl. Dar-ryl. Dar-ryl is on the next Celebrity Apprentice. He'll have to face the likes of Summer Sanders and the lovely Holly Robinson Peete. Darryl's first job needs to be how to get the IRS off his back since he owes them half a mil.

--Our Stun Gun Fun Time O’ The Week comes to us from Farmington, Indiana. There 65-year-old Carol Murphy kept animals, A LOT of animals. Not just 50 cats like most normal old ladies, but donkeys and alpacas too. So over the last few years she’s garnered some animal cruelty fines and the like. The other day a cop was serving an arrest warrant at her place for unpaid fines. He asks her if she needs to lock up her home before a trip to jail. She says no and walks inside and when the cop opens the door to see what’s up. BAM! Shock to the system or more precisely to his head. But Supercop somehow manages to pepper spray her and put cuffs on her anyway. The 40+ animals are scattered about in shelters now.
--Best Curb of the season, not coincidentally the one with the most Leon. Leon is known for bringing the ruckus…and the dizzle. And it's 60 seconds into the vid...
--An unauthorized Simpsons book?!
--Prince Naseem Hamed is that you somewhere in there? Did that guy with the jacket over his shoulder eat you?

--I’m almost scared to see how few Mad Men we have left this season. It’s been a helluva ride and we haven’t even gotten to Roger’s daughter’s wedding and something else that happens around the wedding date in late November 1963. What was that again?
--Joss Whedon is gonna direct a Glee?! Nice.
--Damn this week’s Restaurant Wars on Top Chef look awesome.
--Um, Rockets it is called the Foley-Peterson Media Center so, ya know, can Gene freakin’ Peterson get a burger without paying the $7?
--If you drafted Steve Smith in the 3rd round, well that sucks for you. Steve had one catch for four yards last week against one of the worst defenses in the league. Priceless quotes after the game with Steve saying, "We get the win, but I have a limited role. So, obviously, I see this game as showing I'm no longer an asset to this team." And then when Steve started walking towards the shower someone else asked him a question and he came back with, "That's all I got. My name's Steve Smith and I stand by that." Word
--This can’t be the first guy who’s tried this. I mean yeah Homer gave arm wrestling a shot for a little bit using this same strategy, but Homer wasn’t going to be able to compete at lower weight classes like this guy. Asymmetrical is the new symmetrical.
Questions, comments or if you can kick an extra point without hitting the uprights please call Coach Sumlin...
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